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About the program

PostgraduatION Program in Anesthesiology, Surgical Sciences and Perioperative Medicine - FMUSP

Strict Sense (PhD and Direct PhD)

Approved by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) in 1987, until April 2017, 143 students were qualified, including 19 masters and 124 doctors. Currently, 43 students are enrolled in the direct doctorate / doctorate program, with research projects linked to ongoing research lines. The CAPES evaluation for the Doctoral Program in Anesthesiology inferred concept B for the 92/93 and 94/95 biennia, and with the change of concepts to grades, the program was rated 4 in the 96/97 biennium and in the last three-year term.

The Post-Graduate Program in Anesthesiology, Surgical Sciences and Perioperative Medicine at the University of São Paulo brings together a group that seeks excellence in research in perioperative medicine and international recognition in the areas of anesthesiology, surgical intensive care and trauma treatment, seeking to optimize the impact of publications and the permanent faculty members, with a consequent increase in the number of students and social inclusion.


In the last few years, the Program has shown a progressive improvement in the quantity and quality of intellectual productions, integration with graduations, fundraising from development agencies and national and international interinstitutional exchanges. The result of this optimization can be seen by the progressive increase in the number of citations of publications referring exclusively to the theses defended in the program.

The program's strong points are:

1. Progressive increase in the impact factor of publications;

2. Infrastructure installed to assist research;


3. Ability to increase interinstitutional partnerships and publications together with researchers from Higher Education Institutions from abroad;


4. Visibility of the Program: professors and researchers of the Program are opinion makers in their areas of expertise, contributing to the recruitment of students and the development of research. The Program's website receives an increasing number of hits that contributes to visibility.


5. Able to increase student recruitment: This upward trend has been evident in recent years, with students from the institution itself, from other institutions in Brazil or abroad.

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