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Know more about our enrroled students

We already have 177 students graduated from the program since 1987.


Most of them (82.1%) have remained attached to some higher education institution, and 83.4% to private institutions.


Some more figures about our graduates...


34.1% are directly linked to administrative activities in the workplace or in public service

40.7% still maintain links with scientific research

less than 20% have held other degrees, such as MBA or post-doctorate

50.4% have published after their doctorate


42.2% are professors in higher education institutions:


69.2% are in the Southeast region; 13.4% in the South region; 3.8% in the Northeast region; 13.5% in the Midwest region; 5.8% in institutions abroad

80.5% are in the Southeast region; 8.1% are in the South region; 4.9% are in the Central-west region; 2.4% are in the Northeast region; 4.1% are abroad

Graduates by localization

Graduates in alphabetic order

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