International exchange programs
A positive point of the Program has been the participation of the faculty in meeting the University of São Paulo and CAPES' goal of increasing the partnership with research groups from foreign institutions with recognized excellence in research. The result was a significant increase in the international mobility of faculty and students, since the previous triennium. The partnerships with researchers from universities abroad have generated joint publications, reception of visiting professors, and student and faculty mobility.
The growing number of partnerships with researchers from universities abroad generated joint publications and reception of visiting professors. Among the publications generated in 2013, 05 (14.7%) originated from research conducted jointly with research institutions abroad; in 2014 there were 03 articles with the participation of foreign researchers, and in 2015 there were 10 articles (29.4%).
Regarding the student mobility strictly speaking, 07 students did internships with institutional or doctoral-sandwich scholarships in partner institutions abroad in the period 2011 to 2014, being 03 in 2011 (CAPES/PDEE), 01 in 2012 (CAPES/PDSE), 02 in 2013 (PRPG/USP) and 01 in 2014 (FAPESP). In the undergraduate area, since 2014, CRINT/FMUSP approved the International Student Mobility Exchange Program in which the FMUSP Anesthesiology Discipline received medical students from the University of Bristol, England Exchange Program.
The institutional exchanges also provided for faculty mobility, with one permanent faculty member (HAA) doing a post-doctoral internship at a foreign institution in 2010, and in 2015, the MJCC faculty member also did a post-doctoral internship at a foreign institution. There was also the reception of international visiting professors and visits of permanent professors of the program to institutions abroad.
The following Professors have visited the Program in recent years:
From Belgium: Prof. Jukka Takala and Jean Louis Vincent, in 2010 and July 2011.
From the USA: Prof. Esther Benedetti (May/2011); Profs. Pedro Paulo Tanaka and Vladmir Nekhendzy, (Jun/2011); Prof. George C. Kramer, Department of Anesthesiology, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas (Sep/2012); Prof. Raul Coimbra, MD, PdD, FAC S, University of California - San Diego Health System (Mar/2013).
From France: Prof. Jean Jacques Rouby, in 2010 and October 2011 and August 2012
From Israel: Prof. Dr. Azriel Perel, Professor of Anaesthesia and Intensive care Medicine at the Sheba Medical Centre, Tel Aviv University, Israel (June/2016).
From Italy: Prof. Paolo Pelosi, in July 2011
From Switzerland: Prof. Dr. Donat Spahn - Zurich University (2013).
Besides the cooperation mentioned above there was also the capture of 01 foreign student in the Program: Rodrigo Sanches Veliz, PhD title in the triennium (2010-2012). (Panama)
Among the institutional exchanges already established or in the process of being formalized, there are:
University of Belgium
Joint projects, 1 publication. (Researcher: Jean Louis Vincent) participates with ES, FRBGG, JOCAJ, and LAH in the research lines "Volume and blood component replacement and assessment of cardiovascular responsiveness to fluids and vasoactive drugs" and "Evaluation of hemodynamic variables, tissue perfusion, and therapeutic response in shock states. Within this partnership, there was the defense of a doctoral thesis (LAH) and three joint publications in this triennium: - Hajjar LA, Vincent JL, Galas FR, Nakamura RE, Silva CM, Santos MH, et al. Transfusion requirements after cardiac surgery: the TRACS randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2010;304(14):1559-67. - Hajjar LA, Nakamura RE, de Almeida JP, Fukushima JT, Hoff PM, Vincent JL, Auler JO Jr, Galas FR. Lactate and base deficit are predictors of mortality in critically ill patients with cancer. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2011;66(12):2037-42. - Silva E, Cavalcanti AB, Bugano DD, Janes JM, Vallet B, Beale R, Vincent JL. Do established prognostic factors explain the different mortality rates in ICU septic patients around the world? Minerva Anesthesiol. 2012 Nov;78(11):1215-25. In the triennium the researcher visited the institution in 2010 to discuss research projects and hosted LAH and FRBGG (2011) as visiting professors at the institution. The student FPC started a sandwich doctorate (2011) in the institution, which was completed at the Hospital LePitie Salpetrieri (University Pierre and Marie Curie) with researcher Jean Jacques Rouby.
University Pierre and Marie Curie, Le Pitie Salpetrieri Hopital Université
Joint projects, 2 sandwich doctorates, 2 publications (Researcher Jean Jacques Rouby): JOCAJ, LMSM and MJCC participate in the partnership. Within this partnership, the postgraduate student Fabíola Prior performed the sandwich doctoral program with Capes Scholarship (PDEE) in 2011. The researcher participated in the activity of Visiting Professor of the Program in 2011 and 2012, with discussion of ongoing research projects and participation in a course on pulmonary ultrasound in critically ill patients, subject of future joint research projects. Joint publications in this triennium: - Ambrosio AM, Luo R, Fantoni DT, Gutierres C, Lu Q, Gu WJ, Otsuki DA, Malbouisson LM, Auler JO Jr, Rouby JJ; the Experimental ARDS Study Group. Effects of Positive End-expiratory Pressure Titration and Recruitment Maneuver on Lung Inflammation and Hyperinflation in Experimental Acid Aspiration-induced Lung Injury. Anesthesiology. 2012 Dec;117(6):1322-1334. - Malbouisson LM, Szeles TF, Barbalho L, Massoco CO, Carmona MJ, Carvalho CR, Pelosi P, Auler Jr. Lung hyperinflation stimulates the release of inflammatory mediators in spontaneously breathing subjects. BrazilianJournalof Medical and Biological Research 2010;43(2):201-5. Prof. Jean Jacques Rouby visited the Program in April 2010, October 2011 and August 2012; Prof. MJCC participated in a Visiting Professor Program at the Institution in 2012.
Universitá Degli Studi Dell’insubria
Universitá Insubria - 2 joint publications. 01 multicenter study.(Researcher Paolo Pelosi): participates in a partnership with the lecturer LMSM. Two research projects completed in the triennium and currently there is a joint project in the approval phase at CONEP. Joint publications in 2010-2011: - Malbouisson LM, Szeles TF, Barbalho L, Massoco CO, Carmona MJ, Carvalho CR, Pelosi P, Auler Jr. Lung hyperinflation stimulates the release of inflammatory mediators in spontaneously breathing subjects. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 2010;43(2):201-5. - Rodrigues RR, Sawada AY, Rouby JJ, Fukuda MJ, Neves FH, Carmona MJ, Pelosi P, Auler JO, Malbouisson LM. Computed tomography assessment of lung structure in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. Braz J Med Biol Res. 2011 Jun;44(6):598-605. The researcher visited the Program in xxxx to discuss the ongoing research projects. From Italy: Prof. Paolo Pelosi, in July 2011.
Inselspital Universitätsspital Bern
Joint projects, 1 postdoc.(Researchers Jukka Takala and Stephan Mathias Jakob): participate together with the faculty member ES in the project as "Time to resuscitation, hemodynamic targets and angiotensin: effects on mitochondrial function and outcome in experimental sepsis", with funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation. The egress Adriano José Pereira began postdoctoral studies at this institution in 2011. Joint publication during the triennium: - Corrêa TD, Vuda M, Blaser AR, Takala J, Djafarzadeh S, Dünser MW, Silva E, Lensch M, Wilkens L, Jakob SM. Effect of treatment delay on disease severity and need for resuscitation in porcine fecal peritonitis. Crit Care Med. 2012 Oct;40(10):2841-9. Professor Jukka Takala visited the Program in July 2011 to discuss ongoing research projects. Additionally, student Thiago Domingos Correa completed a 12-month fellowship at the same institution immediately prior to his admission as a student in the Program, and the thesis to be defended will be the result of this research.
University of Iowa
1 joint project, 1 post-doctoral and 1 doctoral-sandwich (Researchers Timothy J Brennan and Esther Benedetti, Department of Anesthesia of The Carver School of Medicine): participate in the partnership with the faculty member HAA in the Research Project: Gene expression of ion channels linked to nociception in skin, muscle and dorsal root ganglion in a model of postoperative pain in rats. In 2010 and 2011 the faculty member HAA completed a Postdoctoral Program in the Institution and in 2011 the student CCAP completed a sandwich doctoral program in the Institution. In 2012 the results of ongoing research projects were presented in congresses of the specialty and publications are planned for the next three years. Prof. Esther Benedetti visited the Program in May 2011.
Duke University
1 joint project with Duke + FAPESP funding and 1 PhD-sandwich (researchers Ricardo Pietrobon and Terry Monk): Partnership with Professor MJCC in research project "Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction in Patients Undergoing General Anesthesia" with funding from Duke University and FAPESP (Proc. Number 09/54233-0) and includes a student of the program (Lívia Stocco Sandhes Valentin) and 01 scientific initiation student with FAPESP scholarship (2011/22478-4). The MJCC faculty member was invited as visiting professor at Duke University on December 7 and 8, 2010, due to the development of the project on postoperative cognitive dysfunction, meeting with Drs. Steve Melton, Mark Newman, Terry Monk and Ricardo Pietrobon, to discuss the research project. The publications related to the joint project are planned for the next triennium and another joint research project is in preparation.
Harvard University
1 joint project and 1 doctoral-sandwich (Researcher Marcos Francisco Vidal Melo): Partnership with the faculty member MJCC in the research project "Effect of cardiopulmonary bypass on lung function", which includes the student Cláudia Regina da Costa Freitas, who in 2011 was a sandwich doctoral scholar (PDEE) in the institution. The publication of the results of the study will occur in the next three years. The joint research project "Evaluation of the effect of hypercapnia on lung function in patients undergoing thoracic surgery and monopulmonary ventilation" is awaiting approval by the Ethics Committee to begin data collection in Brazil.
Universität Zürich
Joint project liver TX (gastro program) (researchers Beatrice Beck Schimmer; Stefan Breitenstein; John Bonvini and Pierre Alain Clavien). The researcher JARF (in the process of accreditation as advisor of the Program) and the professors MJCC and JOCAJ participate in a multicenter research project related to liver protection during anesthesia for liver transplantation, being the principal investigator in Brazil Prof. Luiz Augusto Carneiro D'Albuquerque, from the Gastroenterology Program of USP.
London University
1 Sandwich Ph.D.(Researcher Kenneth John Smith ) : Department of Neuroinflammation, The Institute of Neurology (Queen Square), research project Hemorrhagic Shock: Monitoring brain mitochondrial function and developing a strategy for mitochondrial protection. Advisor in Brazil: Luiz Marcelo Sá Malbouisson. Scholarship student: Keila Kazue Ida - CAPES PDSE: BEX 10.646/12-4, period October 2012 to September 2013.
University of Toronto
Joint project. (Researcher José Almeida Carvalho) Research projects related to obstetric anesthesia originated the approval of the Discipline "MAN5737-Critical analysis of hemodynamic monitoring of volume replacement solutions and vasopressors used in cesarean sections", in partnership with MLAT professor and researcher Fernando Bliacheriene.
Stanford University
Joint project.(Researchers Pedro Paulo Tanaka and Vladimir Nekhendzy) Joint research project with MJCC and the post-graduate CRMS already prepared and awaiting approval by the institutional ethics committee. Profs. Pedro Paulo Tanaka and Vladmir Nekhendzy visited the Program in June 2011 to discuss joint research projects, which are currently in the approval phase at the Ethics Committee. The CMS Student visited the Department of Anesthesiology at Stanford University in November 2011.